Foam Ceiling Tiles & Panels

 custom upholster panels   wallpanels_small1  tiles2_small       tiles1_small    acousticstyle  ceiling-tiles-2ceiling-tilesacoustic ceiling tiles     

Acoustic Soundproofing Stylish Ceiling Mount Foam Tiles Pack

Acoustic Ceiling A Acoustic Ceiling B Acoustic Ceiling C Acoustic Ceiling D
Acoustic Ceiling E Acoustic Ceiling f Acoustic Ceiling g White Sound Blocking Ceiling tiles 1 White Sound Blocking Ceiling tiles

White Polyethylene Foam is also available for the same cost! Ask us today!

Kit Includes:   

6) Charcoal Decorative Ceiling Mount Tiles 24” x 24” x 4”

Attached to 1/8” thick plywood that will be painted black to match the foam. 

Able to mix and match the different styles in the pack. 



hanging cleaning foam 2

hanging cleaning foam 1

hanging cleaning foam

Acoustic Soundproofing Stylish Ceiling Mount Foam Tiles

Kit Includes:
4) Decorative Ceiling Mount Tiles (comes with ropes to hang them)

Size: 16” x 16” x 9”

(If you purchase a 2nd one it will be offered for $75.00)


Our acoustic ceiling tiles are designed to trap and deflect sound energy. They are made of open cell, flame retardant polyester foam. The design is very pleasing to the eye and offers outstanding sound absorption qualities. Our practical 24″ x 24″ tile size makes installation a snap in any room. We offer the perfect solution for rehearsals, radio stations, and more. Install tiles easily with spray adhesive, double-sided tape, contact cement, or glue/caulk.

Ask about our upholstered sound control wall panels too!

These designs are very pleasing to the eye and offer outstanding sound absorption qualities.


Ceiling tile panels acoustic foam Ceiling tile panels acoustic foam 1

Acoustic Matrix_small Matrix Style Ceiling Tiles – flame retardant polyester foam. This Style Has a Soft Square Print
Acoustic Deep Matrix Ceiling tile Close up Acoustic Deep Matrix Ceiling tile Deep Matrix Style Ceiling Tiles – flame retardant polyester foam. This Style Has a Deep Square Print
classic2sidedstripes_small Classic 2 Sided Stripes Ceiling Tiles – flame retardant polyester foam. This Style Has Stripes on 2 Sides 
Acoustic Stylish 4 Corner stripes Stylish 4 Corner stripes Acoustic Stylish 4 Corner stripes Ceiling Tiles – flame retardant polyester foam. This Style Has Stripes on all 4 Sides 
Acoustic Ceiling beveled Edges Acoustic Ceiling beveled Edges 1 Stylish Solid Ceiling Tiles – flame retardant polyester foam.


Product #NC-150
Any type of acoustic ceiling tiles
Available in color for 15 % more  Estimated Shipping Price
  24″ x 24″ x 2″ $ 15.95 each n/a $ 14.75
(Pack of 12) 24″ x 24″ x 2″ $ 156.00 n/a $ 58.00- $100.00
(Pack of 18) 24″ x 24″ x 2″ $ 225.00 $ 205.97 $ 68.00- $120.00
24″ x 24″ x 2″ with 1/4″ Barrier $ 22.85 each n/a $ 16.75
(Pack of 12) 24″ x 24″ x 2″ $ 238.56 n/a $ 60.00- $110.00
(Pack of 18) 24″ x 24″ x 2″ $ 348.84 $ 307.40 $ 70.00- $130.00
24″ x 24″ x 2″ with 1/2″ Barrier $ 26.85 each n/a $ 16.75
(Pack of 12) 24″ x 24″ x 2″ $ 281.04 n/a $ 62.00- $120.00
(Pack of 18) 24″ x 24″ x 2″ $ 412.56 $ 350.87 $ 72.00- $140.00

These particular tiles are designed to hang from ceilings in open spaces to reduce reverberation and prevent noise build up that interferes with speech intelligibility.

Hangs by rope loops.
Available in any size panel and any thickness.

Ask about upholstered wall panels.

ceilingpanel1_small sound2



Baffles are designed for vertical suspension above any noise source. Polyurethane foam baffles are suspended vertically with corner eyelets. By hovering them in rows and columns this will absorb unwanted echoing.

Use our open cell polyurethane acoustic foam, at the 3″ total thickness, with convoluted foam on both sides (1-1/2″ thick each side) for maximum absorption of noise energy.  Lined on the inside of the material is a nylon rope structure with eyelets protruding from the two corners designed for free vertical hanging above the noise source.

*Rope to hang is not included*

Pack Of Description
Product #NC-152
Price Available in colorfor 15% more Estimated Shipping Price (Optional)

36″ x 72″ x 3″

$ 78.00 $ 89.70 $ 18.00 – $38.00
4 36″ x 36″ x 3″   $ 85.00 $ 97.75 $ 18.00 – $38.00
8 18″ x 36″ x 3″   $ 90.00 $ 103.50 $ 18.00 – $38.00
12 12″ x 36″ x 3″   $ 96.00 $ 110.40 $ 18.00 – $38.00
36 12″ x 12″ x 3″   $ 101.00 $ 116.15 $ 18.00 – $38.00

Ceiling Tile Panels
Drop Ceiling Tile Panels also come in color. The price is an additional 15%.

Disclaimer: We do not encourage anyone to do flammability tests themselves. We don’t want anyone getting hurt. Also, please check your building codes before installing our acoustic foam. Different building codes apply to different locations.

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